One of the biggest worries of women starting birth control is the fact that one of the side effects of the pill is weight gain. Weight gain is a common side effect for all hormonal methods of birth control. Women under the pill usually have an increase in appetite and have easier fat depositions. This is because of the increase in hormones. How much a woman will gain tends to vary. On average, women using the birth control pill gain approximately 10 lbs during the first year of use. Some women may gain more while others may not gain any weight at all. A lot of women who stopped using any hormonal birth control find that the weight comes off easily.
There are things you can do to prevent the dreaded 10lb weight gain. All is not lost. You can try other types of birth control. If you want to stay with the birth control pill you are currently using, being more aware of your diet and exercising lifestyle can also help prevent unwanted weight gain.
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