Thursday, April 16, 2009

Woman love running, wearing big earrings and hugging friends!

This video is about how birth control is advertised to women. The title is Target Women: Birth Control. The woman in the video is Sarah Haskins. She has a number of videos all how different products are targeted towards women. Basically, they are about how companies advertise toward or the way they depict women. They are pretty humorous, you should them out here.
As it plays, it depicts different birth control commercials. All advertising the fact that the most attractive thing about birth control is that it can you give you lighter periods and reduce irritability and bloating. One commercial shows a group of women, in a nightclub, sitting around and talking about birth control in technical terms. This is totally inaccurate and unrelatable, in fact, if you watch it, its silly. Everyone knows the most attractive aspect of birth control is that it allows you to have sex and not get pregnant. Why is it that they don't point that out in commercials? Is it a faux paus? Do these companies just figure everyone knows the purpose of birth control? As they say in the video, its being sold as period control rather than birth control.
A whole birth control commericial can be produced and watched without even mentioning sex. The whole reason for the pill/shot/patch in the first place!

1 comment:

  1. As a young women watch commericals such as the ones you have displayed are drone to me by attraction. If the commerical attrative i pay attention and at time find out more information about the product. But the more popular the commericals are the most likey different information you get from each of them.
