A birth control pill will soon be an option to men, says this article by msn.com. Not only will a pill be available, but also being talked about is a shot, patch and gel which can be applied to the skin. The method is said to release testosterone in the body. "The Seattle researchers have been testing a sustained-released, testosterone micro-capsule, which consists of a thick liquid administered by injection under the skin."(http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3543478/)
This is a new revolution in the world of birth control. In the past, usually, it has always been left up to woman when it came to everything except condoms. Woman have to remember to take their pill everyday, deal with side effects and add the extra cost to their budget. Now as the tables turn, men will inherit a new responsibility. It would also be a new sense of empowerment to men. It would certainly eliminate the whole "she got pregnant to trap me" clique. In the future, if the men seriously does not want children, this method will guarantee no accidents. "“Some women are out there to use men to get pregnant. This could deter women from doing this. An athlete or a singer is someone who could be a target and they could put a stop to that.”(http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3543478/)
This pill, so far, has been tested in California and the researchers are working with investigators in China. A clinical trial is now set to happen at 10 different sites across China and includes 1,000 men. Phase III trial involves a single injection given once every month. Similar trials in the United States are a hope to start within the next 2 years. Right now researchers are formulating to find the best method with the least side effects with least amount of medication that gives the strongest effect.
So now the question is "Will men actually take it?" The article says that some say yes, while others say only if there was pressure from a partner and then there are those who won't even consider it.
This pill, so far, has been tested in California and the researchers are working with investigators in China. A clinical trial is now set to happen at 10 different sites across China and includes 1,000 men. Phase III trial involves a single injection given once every month. Similar trials in the United States are a hope to start within the next 2 years. Right now researchers are formulating to find the best method with the least side effects with least amount of medication that gives the strongest effect.
So now the question is "Will men actually take it?" The article says that some say yes, while others say only if there was pressure from a partner and then there are those who won't even consider it.
i think if this work this would be a good thing because women always have the responablity when it comes to birth controle and i think that men should also have the responablity and with this both partys can help eachother with takeing the pill