Monday, February 23, 2009

Did you know?

This short video, presented in class, is about the growing of technology through such a short period of time. It almost makes me feel technologically paranoid. In the video, it states that the top 10 jobs in 2010, did not even exist in 2004. I would be lying if I said I wasn't just alittle scared of all the new advanced technology to come. The internet has become a whole separate world, bigger than the world we actually live in. There are over 200 million registered users on myspace alone, and 1 in 8 married couples have met on the internet. We are entering an information revolution. Almost everything done nowadays is done with a computer. People use computers at work, in school, at home, it is a major part of peoples lives. I almost feel dependant on my computer, sometimes it can be an addiction. If I go a day without checking email/facebook, I crave it, it's actually pretty ridiculous.

When I first watched this video, I didn't think it was xenophobic. I think I was too distracted with all the techological advancements to see it. Then I watched the video again..oh about ten more times. The more I watched it, the more I started to see it. There is a constant comparison between the U.S. and other countries. It starts from the very beginning when they mention the fact about China soon being the country with the largest english speaking population, then about the intelligence rates in children here and in India. It also ends with the birth rates in the U.S., China and India. I almost feel as if it is some sort of competition. Almost as if it is saying "look at the other countries beating us, what does it mean?"

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